Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Riley is the other little animal in this picture...

Ayla goes to Grandma Allocco's house during the day while I am at work. This picture was taken while Donna was changing Ayla's diaper and clothes in the morning. Riley is Donna's dog and she seems to be getting less attention when Ayla is over. Riley jumped up, rolled over and put her paws up trying to get noticed. Pretty funny!!!


Izzy Bizzy Busy Bee said...

OMG! This might beat the picture of Mike and the gorilla on Donna's fridge.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I'm debating making this picture my screen saver. Makes me excited for a baby someday in hopes that my little dog (who happens to be Riley's BFF) will do cute things like this. Love it! ~T.J.